Call for Papers and Workshops


The Research in Engineering Education Symposium and Australasian Association for Engineering Education Annual Conference (REES AAEE 2021) will be held jointly on 5-8 December 2021:

  • face-to-face at The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia
  • hybrid during Perth business hours, and
  • online outside Perth business hours.

We are delighted to invite submissions of papers and workshop proposals.

Paper and Workshop Sessions

Themed clusters of papers will be presented in 90-minute sessions including a 3-minute recording for each paper followed by discussion on all papers in the session, and culminating in an output for other sessions on the theme. Each paper will be presented and discussed in a hybrid session and in an online session at a time suitable for participants sleeping during daylight in Perth. Paper sessions on the same theme will be connected throughout the conference.

Workshops will be 90 minutes. Workshop proposers may nominate their preference for their workshop to be facilitated face-to-face in Perth, facilitated in hybrid mode during Perth business hours, or online only out of Perth business hours.

Full papers may be submitted for review, even if an abstract was not submitted. Authors will have missed the opportunity for feedback based on the abstract.

Key Dates

Full paper submission + Workshop proposal deadline


Paper and workshop decisions

13 September 2021

Camera ready submission deadline


Author Registration Deadline

25 October 2021

AAEE PhD Online Symposium

2 - 3 December 2021
9:30am - 12:00pm Western Australian time
Further Information

Conference Dates

5 - 8 December 2021

Conference Theme

The conference theme is Engineering Education Research Capability Development. Authors are invited to nominate one of four sub-themes in their submissions. The sub-themes are related, and Theme 4 is open to all topics on engineering education. The themes are:

  1. OUTCOMES of engineering education research
  2. WHO does engineering education
  3. HOW engineering education research is undertaken
  4. Engineering education STUDIES



Sally Male
[email protected]

Andrew Guzzomi
[email protected]

UWA Conference Convenor

Susan Marie
[email protected]

Easychair Submission Queries

Wes Moss
[email protected]

Registration Queries

Julie Jerbic, Watermark Events
0402 189 948
[email protected]