

To post a notice, please contact us at [email protected]. Fees apply.

Looking for joint research opportunities beyond PhD

Hi! I’m Iresha, a PhD candidate (nearing completion) at RMIT University, researching on employability of local and international engineering students. I’m working towards a learning framework on employability.

Keen to share my research findings (a glimpse through my paper #283), operationalise my work beyond PhD and collaborate.

Research interests – employability learning and development, international students, work placement, use of qualitative methodology for rigorous research in engineering education.

Worked as a Telecommunication Engineer (2007-2016) and University Lecturer in Engineering Management (2017-2018). Chartered Engineer since 2013.

Contact: [email protected]

Seeking applications for REEN Board (Europe and the Americas)

The Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) Governing Board is seeking applications to fill board positions representing:

  • Europe (1 position)
  • North America (1 position)
  • Central and South America (1 position)

The three new appointees will represent their respective regions for a four-year term (starting February 1, 2022, and running through December 31, 2025). A full call document is available at:

Contact: [email protected]

Australasian Journal of Engineering Education Call for Papers: REES AAEE 2021 Special Issue
Aligned with REES AAEE 2021, papers are invited for a special issue of theAustralasian Journal of Engineering Education on the theme Engineering Education Research Capability Development. Full papers for the Journal’s special issue must be submitted to the Journal by 31 July 2022 for consideration for review. Participants in the REES AAEE 2021 themed interactive paper sessions are invited to develop papers through collaboration during and following the paper sessions. Additionally, papers may be expanded from a research paper presented at REES AAEE 2021, or they may be original papers on the theme. Authors should follow the Journal’s guidelines.

Contact: [email protected]

How might we generate engagement with Academia and students to connect them with makerspace capability?

Join the workshop on Weds 8 December at 1:30PM - 3:00PM - Session 17B #365.

For further information:

Contact: [email protected]

The Southern Journal of Engineering Education (SJEE) is now accepting submissions

The SJEE was launched relatively recently, in July 2021. While it is the official journal of the South African Society for Engineering Education, it has been positioned as an international journal serving a growing and vibrant niche within the EER community – the journal is ‘southern’ in that it values critical perspectives on the unique challenges facing engineering education in the Global South. We welcome your contribution to this exciting forum.

Contact Dr Bruce Kloot at [email protected]

AAEE Awards Announced at the Conference Dinner

The AAEE Awards were announced at the conference dinner on 7 December 2021.



Sally Male
[email protected]

Andrew Guzzomi
[email protected]

UWA Conference Convenor

Susan Marie
[email protected]

Easychair Submission Queries

Wes Moss
[email protected]

Registration Queries

Julie Jerbic, Watermark Events
0402 189 948
[email protected]