Sponsorship Opportunities


You are invited to the REES AAEE 2O21 Research in Engineering Education Symposium & Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference.

REES AAEE 2021 is the first joint REES AAEE Conference. It will be the 31st Annual AAEE Conference, and the second AAEE Conference in Western Australia.

REES is widely recognised as the top engineering education research conference globally.

AAEE is an important and constant contributor to the advancement of engineering education aligned bodies and societies.

We invite you to review the opportunities outlined in this sponsorship prospectus and consider the benefits that your presence would deliver. In addition to the customary sponsorship packages, we are willing to offer bespoke opportunities made available by meeting on a university campus. Please contact us directly if you have questions.

Conference Hosts

University of Western Australia

UWA research tackles global, regional and local issues to make the world a better place. We work with government, industry and other partners enabling us to translate our research and tech innovations into tangible economic, social and environmental impacts for Australia and the world.


Research in Engineering Education Network

Research in Engineering Education Network (REEN) is an independent, international and inclusive forum for quality research in engineering education.


Australasian Association for Engineering Education

AAEE is a professional association of academics, support staff, postgraduate students, librarians, professional engineers, and employers who all have vested interests in fostering excellence and innovation in engineering education.


Conference Sponsors

Engineers Australia

The Institution of Engineers Australia is a professional body and not-for-profit organisation dedicated to being the national forum for the advancement of the engineering field within Australia and a member of Washington Accord.


Engineering Institute of Technology

The Engineering Institute of Technology is a private college operating globally. Founded in 2008, with headquarters in Perth, Australia. EIT is a Registered Training Organisation in the Vocational Education and Training Sector in Australia and is regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority


Business Events Perth

Established in 1972, Business Events Perth (formerly known as Perth Convention Bureau) is responsible for attracting international and interstate business events to Western Australia. Supported by the Western Australian Government (through Tourism WA), the City of Perth and industry members, Business Events Perth drives the business events sector in Western Australia by marketing the City and State as a premium business events destination.




Sally Male
[email protected]

Andrew Guzzomi
[email protected]

UWA Conference Convenor

Susan Marie
[email protected]

Easychair Submission Queries

Wes Moss
[email protected]

Registration Queries

Julie Jerbic, Watermark Events
0402 189 948
[email protected]